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Monday, 16 July 2012

Airport Authority of India Recruitment for the post of JR. EXEC UTIVE (ELECTRONICS) syllabus and question paper

Important Information:

The duration of the examination is 2 hours and there will be 120 questions.

Syllabus of the exam:

1.               Material & Components
2.               Physical Electronics
3.               Power Electronics and devices
4.               Network theory
5.               Electromagnetic Theory
6.               Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation
7.               Analog and Digital Circuits
8.               Communication systems
9.               Antenna system and Transmission Lines
10.            Data Communication
11.            Computer Networking
12.            General Knowledge
13.            General Intelligence
14.            General Aptitude
15.            English

AAI junoor executive examination is completely based on techinal question. In physical electronics most of the qusstion comes from semiconder diodes like schottky,SCR.Most of the question comes from Control system like checking wheather system is stable or not,gain margin and phase margin.


  1. can you please post the question paper for the AAI junior executive post,as i am preaparing for the next AAI exam,Please also

    post sample question papers for AAI junior executive and AAI Airtraffic control,Please sir upload this papers

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