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Sunday, 22 July 2012

How to buy host and domain name/top 10 hosting server name

When you want to buy a host for your personal purpose or for your organization, you always should go throughIts features. The features that one must look are shown below.

1.           Bandwidth (bandwidth is very essential for smooth web hosting, it actually defines that how much data will be transferred per month. If your bandwidth is limited you may lose your valuable visitor from your website)

2.           Space(if you want to create good website full of videos, text, graphics then space should be unlimited)

3.           Support database(modern websites are completely dynamic, to give site a better dynamic look, supporting of database for the use of visitor details(like email address and password))

4.           Supported operating system(if you have windows xp operating system on your computer and hosting server have linux operating system then you might face some difficulties, choose the operating system that you think the best)

5.           Support e-mail account for your domain.

6.           Control panel access(to modify your online documents)

7.           Fast customer support(last but the most important features that one must give great importance, without having this features you may have to suffer a lot)

Choose your domain from top 5 domain provider:

Monday, 16 July 2012

Airport Authority of India Recruitment for the post of JR. EXEC UTIVE (ELECTRONICS) syllabus and question paper

Important Information:

The duration of the examination is 2 hours and there will be 120 questions.

Syllabus of the exam:

1.               Material & Components
2.               Physical Electronics
3.               Power Electronics and devices
4.               Network theory
5.               Electromagnetic Theory
6.               Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation
7.               Analog and Digital Circuits
8.               Communication systems
9.               Antenna system and Transmission Lines
10.            Data Communication
11.            Computer Networking
12.            General Knowledge
13.            General Intelligence
14.            General Aptitude
15.            English

AAI junoor executive examination is completely based on techinal question. In physical electronics most of the qusstion comes from semiconder diodes like schottky,SCR.Most of the question comes from Control system like checking wheather system is stable or not,gain margin and phase margin.

Sunday, 1 July 2012

VHDL Code Structure( Library, Entity, Architecture)

Library Declaration:
A library is a collection of codes which can be used by several other functions.
Structure of library declaration is given below:

Library ieee;
Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
Use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
Use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

The above code can be used for all VHDL code.
Entity defines all the input and output ports of the circuit.
Suppose a full adder circuit which has three inputs and two outputs. So ENTITY declaration of  fulladder can be written in the following way.

Entity full_adder is                            --full_adder is the name of the entity
Port( Ain: in  std_logic;            --Port Ain to Port Cout declaration
Bin: in std_logic;
Cin: in std_logic;
Sum: out std_logic;
Cout: out std_logic);
End full_adder;

Introduction to VHDL

VHDL stands for Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language. It is a type of behavioral language from which the physical structure of any logical system can be implemented. VHDL language is basically invented to perform circuit synthesis as well as circuit simulation. It a vender independent language i.e. its language does not vary from vendor to vendor. The application fields of VHDL codes are PLD, ASIC, CPLD. Now a day microcontrollers are also designed using VHDL code.
  VHDL is not programmings as sequential execution of statements are not performed every time. Using VHDL we can design ADDER, ALU, Comparators, Decoders etc.

VHDL Code Structure:

VHDL code consists of three fundamental sections
                  (1) Library Declaration
                  (2) Entity
                  (3) Architecture

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